Regarding Future Updates/Patches

I wanted to provide a small announcement with the development for this project. Because I'm currently working to balance everything correctly and so that I may bring out what I envision for this project in its entirety, updates to this project will almost always break old save files. Because of this, I don't think I'll be able to release frequent updates, no matter how much time I'm able to put into the project. The last thing I'd want is for players to spend 2 hours of their time getting to the end of the content for that update, only to repeat it again a week later from the very beginning of the game.

I originally thought about creating a password protected starting point further into the game, but some of the updates do affect even the story in the earlier sections of the game (important weapon/skill info, some story, base stat changes, learned skills, etc). Once I feel that I have a solid handle on at least the Baseline for the balancing, story, and important early-game info, I'll start making the password protected starting points further into the game until I get to the point where save files won't break anymore.

Until then, for the short term, updates may be spread out. I apologize for the inconvenience.

On a side note, while I'm on the topic of Development, I'm also currently debating on whether or not I should utilize the full "NSFW" tag of this game and add small amounts of nudity or not. While it doesn't necessarily fit the theme of the game as a whole, there are some sections where such a thing would be relevant to the story. I figured I'd add this in the spirit of transparency and to see if anyone who's played a bit of the story would want to weigh in their 2 cents.

At this point in time, the NSFW tag is primarily due to the contents of the story. Extremely sensitive topics will be touched on, and the theme of the overall story is... Well, this game is definitely NOT for young folks under 18.

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While the majority of games I play now are porn there is a lot of tags on to match what suits the game. The porn rabbit hole can go deep and rarely will it satisfy everyone. I feel that you should focus on your strong suits before branching out into other things. Project 0193 has a decent story and background but I already can see it branching out way out like in cyoa. just the pacificist and non pacificist run has already made it so you have to make two games essentially. Once you feel you developed this game well enough maybe start a second one to go the more nsfw way.


Thank you, I appreciate your input on this. 

I rather like your suggestion to try and finalize everything as much as I can first until I'm in a good spot in development before I do start branching off. It actually gives me an idea to have a 'Porn' development of the game be something that's done more as an exclusive bonus add-on type of release. 


Well, I'm still floating the idea around. There is a section planned out later in development where nudity/porn would really fit in and make sense, but only having nudity/porn in only one section of the game and nowhere else would be kind of odd.